Church – all back to front!

I can’t help thinking this, as we fly headlong into the Christmas season, how incredible and so opposite church is to this world we live in.

Life in the world screams don’t surrender, don’t appear weak, compete hard, never show your true heart – it’s all weakness!

Yet, as believers we belong to a Kingdom reborn by a savior (who was capable of calling down legions of angels on His behalf) who surrendered His life so we could have ours in their entirety!

BUT, weird as it seems, to get our lives we first have to give our lives up and keep this surrender to Him going.  Like really actioning it daily or more.  Why?

It’s a principle of God, it all just works this way . . . look at this scripture!



Mark 8:35 (NIV)

For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me and for the gospel will save it.


So He can author our lives.  Why?

Because my life authored by God is going to be a thousand times better than my life authored by me!


So . . .

Church: The place where surrender is the most powerful position.

. . . sounds all back to front right?  It’s not!


God is amazing!


See You In Church Church!

In His Amazing Name

Ps Glenn Feehan – True NORTH Church.  Frisco Texas


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You can join us from anywhere in the world.  Woo Hoo!


~ by Glenn Feehan on December 3, 2016.

One Response to “Church – all back to front!”

  1. Amen

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