So What is Holding You Back?

I stumbled on this scripture a long time ago – and it brought a whole new perspective with it.

We most often think (as Christians) that it’s only bad stuff, sin, repeating bad habits and thoughts are the only source of “baggage” that’ll hold us back from really getting traction and victory in our journey.

Not so . . . read this . . .



2 Corinthians 6:12 English Standard Version (ESV)

You are not restricted by us, but you are restricted in your own affections.


Paul was talking to the church of Corinth – simply saying what we have an affection for is or can be restrictive – holding us back.

That can mean anything – right!

So our repetitive cycles of how we do life, because we like to do it that way, can be holding us back.

I have had many a shake up (in a really good way) come about because of this scripture coming alive in my life.  And more often than not – God is wanting me to let go of something or someway I have been doing my life, which has been enjoyable for me, yet it is not going to be a part of my future in God!

Just ask God – then do what He says to clear the pathway ahead – easy!


God is amazing!


See You In Church Church!

In His Amazing Name

Ps Glenn Feehan – True NoRTH Church.  Frisco Texas


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~ by Glenn Feehan on January 24, 2015.

3 Responses to “So What is Holding You Back?”

  1. I needed this message.

  2. Amen!!

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